I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Mike Williams at 1700 hours. Members present: Mike Williams, Steve Howard, Bill Britton, and George Owen. Members Absent: Larry Helsley. Others Present: Interim Fire Chief Scott Alvord, Lance Graham and Clerk Marjie Maddox.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting July 13, 2009–
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries–MSC: Howard/ Owen to approve consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve Annual Audit performed by Gregor Professional Corporation – Mr. Britton requested to have our Legal Counsel look at the audit before we accept it. There was a question regarding the maintenance of equipment on page 9. It shows we had gone considerably over budget, this was due to a FEMA grant, but was not stated in the audit. We can send a request for an amendment, after this item is discussed with Mr. Hammer. Table this action item for the next regular scheduled meeting.
B. Discuss/Approve Lance Graham Hydrant Variance for 61 Harold Way – Mr. Graham reported when his plans were originally discussed with Chief Smith, he was given information on where to place his house based on the location of the existing hydrant. When he submitted his plans, Acting Chief Shortt stated she would grant a variance, when Mr. Graham received the letter form the planning department, with no variance mentioned. The request for a variance was never brought to the board for discussion or approval. Mr. Graham came back and spoke with Chief Alvord. Mr. Graham stated that he is almost done building his house when he received Chief Shortt’s letter from the planning department. Chief Alvord reported the house is within 500 feet of the existing hydrant, the flow is the issue, as the water system improved the flow will improve, flow was measured at 860 gpm. There was discussion regarding another access to the property and the old address that was 119 Wilson Road. Chief Alvord stated that he is fine with the variance. MSC Britton/Owen to approve the variance as requested.
C. Discuss/Approve Replacement of Rescue 2151 – Chief Alvord reported that it was discussed and approved to purchase a new rescue truck and chassis during the budget committee for the 08/09. 3 Bids were submitted from Down Town Ford, Harper Motors and Corning Ford. All of the bids are very close to each other (within $60). The pricing for 2009 is the same for 2010 state contract. Harper Motors put together an F-350 rescue truck for Hayfork Fire, Hayfork is happy with it. There was discussion regarding the difference between an F-350 and F-450, the F-450 brakes are bigger. There was discussion regarding the equipment box that is currently on R-2151, it is to go on the new F-450, and we may have funds left over to refurbish the box. There is a 60 day ordering process for the new vehicle. There was discussion that the options each bid including a spare tire, trailer package, etc. Chief Alvord stated that bottom line; the price for Corning Ford and Harper Motors is the same. We have a light bar donated from the USFS, we might have to do some small modifications, and the new stock alternator will support the light bar. Msc: Britton/Howard approved Chief Alvord to choose the dealer that he feels is best to deal with. There was discussion regarding spare tire and mud and snow tires. Mr. Owen would like mechanic to go over the bids. MCS: Britton/Howard amended his motion to state “approve Chief Alvord to choose a dealer the he feels best, after consulting with our mechanic, if there are additional problems, Chief Alvord will bring it back to the board for approval”.
D. Discuss/Approve Use of Engine 2111 for out of County Strike Team – Chief Alvord questioned the reasoning for Engine 2111 not to leave the District. There was discussion regarding our 2nd and 3rd out apparatus, adequately protecting the District themselves, and being adequate to cover structures outside of the District as well. There was discussion on why the two older engines fall short. There was discussion of the pros and cons of sending more new volunteers out on strike teams for training vs. fewer volunteers covering the District. The original intent for Engine 2111 when purchased was to cover the structures inside of the District. No changes were made to SOP stating Engine 2111 is to stay inside the District boundaries.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report – Chairman Williams reported Mr. McMillan had sent out e-mail, update reporting 62 requests received, 57 assessments completed, 32 requests had some from of reduction completed. Chief Alvord reported himself and Mr. McMillan met with Health and Human Services and they may be able to help with workers and funding. Chief Alvord also submitted a grant for Title III finding in the amount of $130,000 to continue the project.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report –Chief Alvord reported:
Plan Checks: No plan checks were completed. He did have preliminary visits to the welding shop on Masonic Lane for fence and hydrant placement, and a duplex at Five Cent Gulch.
Vehicles: Foam pump on E-2131 was fixed with Mr. Owen help. Red lights on C-2101 were fixed by Chief Alvord.
Misc: TCCA submitted proposal for 140 new generation fire shelters on the Title III grant, this should go to the BOS in September 1st. A BK radio was damaged; we are looking into replacing it through an insurance claim. 2 engines and the WT covered on the Cal-Fire agreement Wednesday night during the lightning storms. They have been working on the station, cleaning up hose and the oil fire school. There was discussion regarding the future plans for the oil fire school. Mr. Britton recommended that Chief Alvord work on his idea for the oil fire school and present it to the board. d.
C. Fire Department Report – No report
D. Sleeper Program Report – No report
E. Committee Reports –
Background Check Committee – No Report
Recruitment Committee – No Report
Collections Committee – No Report
F. Director Reports – Mr. Owen reported Mr. Berrien is in the hospital in Redding, he had a heart stent put in and should be home soon.
Mr. Britton reported that Chief Alvord was requested last Wednesday to go out with him, Chief Alvord chose to stay and cover the district in its need, and Mr. Britton praised Chief Alvord for his dedication.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1811 hours.
Approved: September 14, 2009
______________________________ _____________________________
Mike Williams, Chairman Marjie Maddox, Clerk